Feeling Stuck? Move from hopeless to hopefull with Permaculture Design.
Because you know there has to be a better way....

Because you know there has to be a better way....
“Now is the time to stop dreaming the dream and have something materialize from it. Kym Chi is gifted in facilitating and providing gracious inspiration for a resilient lifestyle. She showed me the DOOR of practicality and empowered me to STEP IN to the possibilities awaiting me on the other side." - Dharlyn Gomez"
Full details below! Read on...
Featuring special guests; Mark Lakeman, Julie Parrell, Lori Snyder and Hazel Bell Koski
“Paying attention is a form of reciprocity with the living world, receiving the gifts with open eyes and open heart.” Robin Wall Kimmerer - Braiding Sweetgrass
Image: Charlie Durrant
We are living in a time where the impact we make truly matters. Everyone is a designer of their life. Whether on a small or large scale, the choices we make and the way we design, creates the world around us.
As a child, youth and young adult, I could tell that the current systems were failing us. I was devastated by environmental practices and never felt truly supported by our current economic system, government and health care system and education system.
I felt stuck, wanting to make positive change and all I could see within these systems was corruption and destruction. I felt fear, anger, and hopeless.
I sought to live in a world that thought and acted differently.
The only solace I could ever find was in the natural world. I wanted to run away, move into the forest and disconnnect, never to be a part of the mainstream system again.
What stopped me?...
My love of people and the inner knowing that we could do better.
I started to try new things. Yoga, meditation, reiki, herbalism, changing my diet etc... This helped, but it did not offer the answers I was looking for to quench my desire to change the system.
Finally, one winter day in 2011, I found what I was looking for. Permaculture Design!
I took a course and was hooked!
This one simple, yet complex design process held the keys to what I knew was possible.
What was it?! A new way of living - with natures wellbeing at the core.
So here I am - believing so much in the power of the Permaculture Design process that I know teach it to countless others.
What is Permaculture Design?
It is so much! In essence, it is a practical framework, based on nature's operating system.
It offers tools, techniques and strategies for designing and creating resilient and regenerative lives.
It grounds itself Traditional Practices developed by Indigenous Peoples all over the world, adding in relevant new scientific technologies.
Permaculture cares about the wellbeing of the Earth, ALL People and future generations to come.
Ultimately, we get to choose how our designs will impact our existence. Will they degenerate and degrade or will they regenerate and advance?
Design on the side of life! Become the generator of an empowered, connected and regenerative life with Permaculture!
I invite you to equip yourself through this 18 week program.
Kym teaches with high integrity and so much grace. The online Permaculture Design Course was the best online course I've done so far. It was interactive and engaging." - Kelly Gordon - Somatic Movement Educator
This online course is flexible and comprehensive. You receive:
18 live (online) classes with over 60 hours of content
20 hours of pre recorded content including lessons with Mark Lakeman
3 x live appearances with Mark Lakeman
3 x live sessions with Indigenous facilitators Julie Parrell, Lori Snyder and Hazel Bell-Koski
As a core project, you will create a map and design for a practical project of your choice. Group mentorship is offered throughout the program.
Access to a user friendly platform with over 300 lessons, applied homework, demonstrations, course projects and other resources.
Digital information sheets that create an over 400 page book.
Dynamic discussions, breakout groups and interactive activities
Interactive virtual space for dialogue with other participants
To add a layer of mulch to the soil, participants will receive the following registration bonus:
Free access to my Herbal Preparations and Plant Allies (pre recorded) program (25+ hours of content)
Image - Charlie Durrant
Join with like minded people online to learn about how nature designs itself. Discover how to become more grounded and connected with yourself, your community and the natural world. We will discover how to map and design our land and lives, plan for emergencies, grow food naturally, build community and work to build a more resilient and positively impactful life.
Kym Chi is a creative facilitator and this class caters to anyone wanting to learn regenerative design in a dynamic way and in a safe, inclusive environment.
It is a flexible course that considers the busyness of modern life. The class schedule is ideal for creatives, parents, healers, holistic practitioners, entrepreneurs, students and those with dynamic routines.
All live classes will be recorded for participants to rewatch at their convenience. Please read requirements for certification details.
We review many exciting course topics that include Foundational concepts, Design Methods, Pattern Literacy, Soils & Composting, Water, Trees & Vegetation, Animals, Design for cool/tropical/arid climates, Social systems, Native food and medicine plants and more.
This is a unique course with an exciting teaching tool kit that transforms lectures into games and group discussions and focusses on multi dimensional learning. Apply your learnings to the focus project for the program which is to start a map and design for where you live, an area or project of your choice.
Successful completion of this course offers graduates a legitimate and formal certificate through Permaculture Institute (www.permaculture.org).
Investment -
Low cost in effect to reflect our current times!
Classes will run Saturday Mornings from 9:30am - 1pm PST
with optional classes on weekday evenings.
Full detailed schedule can be found below.
This program is for you if you:
"Even if you have all the knowledge in the world, there is a profound learning to be gained from this quietly impactful facilitator. Kym Chi offers more than just a Permaculture Design Course, it is an experience that will leave you seeing new colour in everything you look at."
- Rose
"I feel so lucky that I was able to take this class! It opened up so many ideas for me to integrate into different facets of my life."
- Kat
"I loved this course and would recommend it to everyone interested in making a difference. Kym is so knowledgable and shares what she knows in an inspiring way. Permaculture is now within me and I will follow is path always." - Teresa
"Kym Chi is an excellent teacher, her coursework is very thorough and draws from a variety of experts and methodologies in the field of Permaculture. Kym is compassionate and brings out the best in her students. I highly recommend her Permaculture course."
- George Thomas
"Co-create, Open heartedly, Vision, Inspired, Do-ocracy. This course has a wealth of information and practical ideas for retooling our culture so we can collectively heal and regenerate ourselves, our communities and our common Earth home. Kym masterfully facilitates a learning, inclusive class space. Through the evolving lens of permaculture , all our neighbourhoods can be revitalized and enriched. Thanks to Kym and all my classmates, I carry a seed of hope growing deeper roots. "
- Denise Lagasse, Xwilkway, Halfmoon Bay, BC
"I can't think of a more versatile and empowering course for our current times. Learning specific regenerative skills and strategies with a like-minded group, clear and empathic instruction and above all, a hopeful outlook was invaluable to my life right now." - Mireille
"What a wonderful class and wonderful people to share, learn and grow with. Opened my eyes to a new way of living!"- Colleen
"Kym teaches with high integrity and so much grace. The online Permaculture Design Course was the best online course I've done so far. It was interactive and engaging. The materials provided on the course platform helped my learning and I appreciate how I can review the recordings from our class anytime. Kym helped me feel safe, seen and acknowledged. She kept on time and respected the space. As well, her knowledge of Permaculture is clearly extensive and deep. I learned so much! Thank you Kym! I'm sure I will study with you again!" - Kelly Gordon
"Kym was such an open-hearted teacher. I felt like everyone in the course was made to feel comfortable and heard. The content of the course was presented in a very approachable way and while it was a large volume of information, it never felt like the class moved too quickly. Everything was given the time it needed to be spoken about. So many of the lessons in this program felt applicable to a variety of aspects of my life and I feel like I am more capable in both my abilities as a gardener and a person." - Katherine
“Now is the time to stop dreaming the dream and have something materialize from it.” Kym Chi, as my teacher is gifted in facilitating and providing gracious inspiration for a resilient lifestyle. She took me and showed me the DOOR of practicality and empowers me, so I can STEP IN to the possibilities awaiting for me to be discovered, explored and realize our potential as positive agent of change individually and collectively.
With all the disruption to our “normal” way of life in 2020, there has never been a better time (and greater need/urgency) to start living the permaculture dream... that’s why we got into permaculture... that’s why we want that ecologically resilient homestead, that self-sufficient permaculture farm, that abundant food forest." - Dharlyn
"This was the second time taking a permaculture course with Kym Chi and from both classes it has been life changing. I highly recommend others taking a permaculture design course during their life time as it is a mind opener and will really help one be more connected within themselves and all living life forms! Thank you Kym Chi!"
- Amanda
"I had been thinking about taking Kym's Permaculture Design Certification Course at a friend's recommendation for quite some time, and this time around, things finally fell into place and it happened. Despite the challenges of teaching and learning virtually, Kym gave an informative, engaging, and meaningful course. She is a welcoming, compassionate, knowledgeable, and kind teacher who is able to draw on her own experiences and ideas as well as others'. This was my first exposure to Permaculture in a formal setting, and I am very fortunate and grateful that it was such a positive one (although, after working with Kym, I'm not at all surprised that was the case). I hope to learn from and work with her again!" - Dave L
Thank you for offering this course. I absolutely loved it. It was a supported and informative course. I found the class time just flew by. I really enjoyed all the course content and I look forward to hearing what you are offering next. I’m really excited to continue on this permaculture journey.
My granddaughter was also positively impacted and she is looking at her gardens at home different, she is 6. So amazing I could share this with her. - Kelli
I highly recommend this class to everyone. I live in an apartment, so no land, only a community garden and patio. But the principles and techniques I learned have taught me how Permaculture can solve all of our world's problems, including building community. Kym is an engaging, knowledgeable and big-hearted instructor. I learned so much more than I expected to. The course literally changed how I look at the world, plus solutions that will regenerate nature and our connection to her. - Teresa
"This is a great course, Kym Chi is an inspiring teacher who cares passionately about the course content and about engaging her students to learn and absorb the material. She makes it fun on many different levels." - Jacqueline
"Kym Chi is an exceptional guide in learning Permaculture Design! Permaculture is so much more than gardening principles. Who knew!? This course provides a framework for moving towards positive change, spiritually, emotionally, communally, ecologically. It’s about action that is doable and effects our collective health and future! Kym Chi has lovingly crafted an offering of abundant knowledge that is so nourishing and inclusive. I luv, love, LOVED this course! Thank you!!! - Anna“Kym shares so much knowledge and heart in this PDC, It is impossible not to fall for Permaculture. I found so many ways to integrate Permaculture into my life on a small scale immediately, and plan and dream of Permaculture possibilities for the future. I am eternally grateful” - Paige Inglis
“Kym is a very gifted teacher and facilitator who brings a huge amount of knowledge, skill and experience and mixes in a great dose of love and laughs to the course an amazing experience.” - Donna M“
Kym Chi provided us with an awesome learning experience - teaching us foundational concepts, design principles of Permaculture that we can now use to create a beautiful, productive sustainable life and world. - Margaret R.
“This program goes far beyond simply designing an organic and sustainable landscape. Learning about plant allies, regeneration of the land and building earth- loving social structures is the keystone of an integrated life centred on the principles of Permaculture. Kym Chi is an energetic & passionate steward for the earth and supports rounded learning. “ - Stephanie W“
An excellent course for anyone new or experienced in Permaculture to gain further in depth knowledge and experience. Kym is a beautiful facilitator with a warm heart and so much knowledge to share” - Doug“
Kym Chi offers a delightful exploration of permaculture that will equip you with practical knowledge and get you fired up about the tremendous possibilities that exist in our time. - Kacy
“This has been one of the most enjoyable and informative programs I have been a part of. What I learned will serve me well and guide me in better serving others and the earth. I am grateful for the teachings and for the community it introduced me to. Thank you. - Kathy Duncan
“The Permaculture course opened my eyes to how everything is connected and how we all must work together as a community to care for the earth, the people and the future. Kym Chi is a wonderful, passionate teacher who loves and lives what she teaches. She is gentle, yet spicy and keeps the class momentum going strong” - anonymous
“Learning with Kym as a facilitator was one of the most creative, fun, professional and profound experiences. She planted the seed of Permaculture in me and I can’t wait to let it grow. - Elke H.
“I loved the variety of visual aids, cards, medicine making and visiting diverse landscapes with examples of systems. So many inspiring moments and learnings. This was a perfect format to delve in and understand how to overcome my own fears and limitations to find solutions everywhere. - Alison R
"Delvin and Kym are amazing, talented and incredibly honouring and delightful people. Our world is safe and more alive and caring in their hands, thanks to their presence, creativity and commitment." - Robin Clayfield
Module 1: Introduction to Design
Module 2: Foundations of Permaculture
Feel confident in defining Permaculture clearly to others
Module 3a: Design Methods
Know the basic elements included in mapping a site
Module 3b: Design, Media & Participatory Design Presentation with Mark Lakeman
This presentation will walk through numerous examples of design process media. Each example will be presented as a case study, with the images shown in sequence in terms of the evolution of the design. Design project examples will range in scale from modest homesteads, to larger regenerative farm projects, to urban ecovillages and cohousing as well as numerous activist projects.
Module 4: Pattern Literacy
This unique certification is a practical path for upgrading your life, resume and portfolio. There is no time limit to complete the certification.
Working toward certification is not a requirement. Students may attend the course without completing the material required to attain the certificates. It’s a fun way to journey with likeminded people with experiential education.
Completion Requirements :
The certification from The Permaculture Institute granted upon completion of the course, empowers participants as permaculture designers, consultants and beginner teachers. Graduates can use the word permaculture legally in their practice, business or project.
This unique certification is a practical path for upgrading your life, resume and portfolio. There is no time limit to complete the certification.
Working toward certification is not a requirement.
Students may attend the course without completing the material required to attain the certificates. It’s a fun way to journey with likeminded people with experiential education.
Many people take the program and do not do the questions and project.
No one knows who is doing or not doing this work.
Those wanting the certification will complete:
Graduating & Jobs